Attendance |
Best player |
Worse player |
Lineup declaration |
Loss of team organization |
Gain of team organization |
Team goes defensive |
Goal |
Chance missed |
Half time |
End of match |
Player bruised but still on the field |
Player injured |
Keeper injuried, field player takes his place |
Substitution |
Substitution not done because of lack of players |
Change order on players |
Action on the right side |
Central action |
Action on the left side |
Player got a yellow card |
Player got the second yellow card in the match and goes out |
Player got a direct red card |
Free kick |
Indirect free kick |
Penalty |
AIM tactic has effect |
AOW tactic has effect |
Rainy weather |
Cloudy weather |
Clear weather |
Sunny weather |